Tapestries by Artists
Faisal Abdu'Allah
Chester Arnold
Alexandre Arrechea
Aziz + Cucher
Gary Bukovnik
Brian Caraway
Squeak Carnwath
Enrique Chagoya
Chuck Close
Bruce Conner
Lewis deSoto
Andy Diaz Hope & Laurel Roth
Guy Diehl
Elena Dorfman
Amy Ellingson
Donald Farnsworth
Donald & Era Farnsworth
Sally Gall
Rupert Garcia
Joseph Goldyne
Leon Golub
April Gornik
Diane Andrews Hall
Doug Hall
Don Ed Hardy
Gus Heinze
Anthony Holdsworth
Mildred Howard
Alex Katz
Kayungah Ham
Robert Kushner
Hung Liu
Carlos Luna
Alan Magee
Dan McCleary
Manuel Mendive
Amalia Mesa-Bains
George Miyasaki
Ed Moses
Bob Nugent
Deborah Oropallo
Mel Ramos
Calida Rawles
Jeff Sanders
Kiki Smith
Nancy Spero
Masami Teraoka
Tallulah Terryll
The Art Guys
Darren Waterston
Katherine Westerhout
William Wiley
Miriam Wosk
Xiaoze Xie
Yu Youhan
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NEW: Click here to view the Magnolia Tapestry Project book (full book preview enabled! Opens in new window)
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