Tired of Eternity: an Autobiography by Coyote

Tired of Eternity: an Autobiography by Coyote
(hardcover, 250 pp.)
$38 or $15 download
Tired of Eternity: An Autobiography by Coyote is an art piece in the form of a book, created by Lewis deSoto with a foreword by Nick Stone.

"Coyote, long thought to be a mythical being has come out of the shadows and written a gripping tale of his lives in outer space, nature and humanity. [...] Tired of Eternity challenges our ideas of time, existence, the nature of love and the size of the universe. Divided into chapters that alternate between a short narrative structure and complex formulas and proofs that cover some of physics' most complex problems, Coyote has mastered the art of the oblique and challenging description of a life not tethered by time or place..."