William Wiley and Squeak Carnwath tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
April Gornick and Bob Nugent tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
April Gornick and Bob Nugent Tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Don and Era Farnsworth, Hung Liu, and William Wiley tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Don and Era Farnsworth tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Squeak Carnwath and Don and Era Farnsworth tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Don and Era Farnsworth, and Hung Liu tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Squeak Carnwath, Don and Era Farnsworth, and Robert Kushner tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Don and Era Farnsworth tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Don and Era Farnsworth, April Gornick, and Bob Nugent tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
April Gornick, Hung Liu, and William Wiley tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
William Wiley, Squeak Carnwath, and Don and Era Farnsworth tapestries
Gail Severn Gallery, March-May 2012
Eloquence of Trees
March – May, 2012
Gail Severn Gallery
400 First Avenue North
PO Box 1679
Ketchum, ID 83340
photocredit: Gayle Goldyne
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