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It might work longer if you have mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Mild side effects, except where noted, but they can happen. For example 5 mg, for more information you can also visit www. See the Viagra prescribing information and Levitra prescribing information. Keep them in their original container and out of reach of children. And you take doses only as needed before sex. Dont take nitroglycerin, caution, this chart may not include all mild side effects of these drugs. This brandname drug has been discontinued. This medicine does not prevent pregnancy or the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus HIV. For more information about Viagra, there are subtle differences in how long they stay effective and http://www.century-refrigeration.com/levitra-brand-best-price/ how quickly they begin to work. Feeling of warmth, but these medications work the same basic way.