Katherine Westerhout Exhibitions
Katherine Westerhout Newsletters

Summer 2004 Newsletter #4 (644k)
Survey of the Magnolia Tapestry Project at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, Interweaving the Arts at SJICA, Bruce Conner Tapestry Show at Michael Kohn Gallery, Artists's Statement: Restoring an image of Buddha, Working Trip to Belgium, New print publications, Where to see more Works from Magnolia Editions.

Spring 2004 Newsletter #3 (325k)
Tamarind Institute Printmaking Forum, Magnolia Tapestry Project NY opens, A New Look on the World Wide Web, William Wiley: LifeWork Award and Exhibit, Westerhout Opening, Bruce Conner Tapestries, Leon Golub, John Nava: Selected Work at the Ventura County Museum of History & Art, The Not-So-Still Life: A Century of California Painting and Sculpture, Gus Heinze, New Paintings, Sam Tchakalian.
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