Chuck Close Newsletters

January 2016 Newsletter #26 (1147k)
New Editions: Enrique Chagoya, Chuck Close, Guy Diehl, Donald Farnsworth, Don Ed Hardy, Deborah Oropallo.

Summer 2009 Newsletter #18 (600k)
New Editions: Chuck Close, Enrique Chagoya, Donald & Era Farnsworth, Squeak Carnwath clocks; A Conversation with Chuck Close.

Spring 2009 Newsletter #17 (823k)
New Editions: Alex Katz, Enrique Chagoya, Chuck Close, Chester Arnold, April Gornik, Squeak Carnwath.

Summer 2007 Newsletter #12 (1125k)
New Editions: Chuck Close, Mildred Howard, Don & Era Farnsworth, Brian Caraway, Miriam Wolk; Interview with Mildred Howard.

Winter 2006 Newsletter #10 (1138k)
New Editions: Chuck Close, Ed Moses, Enrique Chagoya, Darren Waterston and the Farnsworths; Interview with Chuck Close and poet Bob Holman.
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